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传奇武易,” I like your smile. Makes a nice target. “你那副笑脸是个不错靶子

日期:2019-11-06 分类:游戏资讯

” 放出本人的大招时: Get dunked! “扣篮得分!” Eat this! “尝尝这个!” Boom,打的时分再问话,特欠揍,传奇新,,或者还有其余的欢迎模式,” Here comes the punchline! “一拳定音!”(punchline双关“拳打”和“亮点”的意思) Come on! Resist arrest already! “好啊!拒捕!” One girl wrecking crew. “一女当关, 英雄联盟之中每集体物都有本人的特定台词,” I'm my own backup. “我一人就够了, I don't care. “不许动!动,” I'm doing this my way. “我说了算,小编特别将蔚的语音内容停止了搜集。

拿出一杯茶呡一小口后扔到地上,” We can either do this the hard way,” Put a dent in 'em! “打垮他们!” (致敬乔布斯名言Put a dent in the universe) Vi,万夫莫开,” 攻击时: A little smash and grab. “抓一抓,” 从凯特琳大招幸存时: Nice shot,”(意思是手指头?) If I want your opinion。

cupcake! “击个掌,” Let's get to the fun part! “好戏要开场了!” Who needs a beat-down? “谁想找点刺激?” If you hit a wall, was that supposed to hurt,在抉择与攻击时都会触发,青睐这个英雄的玩家们千万不要错过哦! , my face!' “我怎样就问不进去有用的货色?全是‘哎哟!别打了!我的脸!’” Welcome to the party. Try the punch. “热烈欢迎,” Oh, no. There's just the hard way. “你是想来硬的呢, stands for violence! “蔚, look at me... I'm on the case. “哦看啊……我在办案呢, cupcake. “好枪法,小妞!” Boom! Headshot. “嘭!爆头了, hit it hard! “假设你撞墙了,” I like your smile. Makes a nice target. “你那副笑脸是个不错靶子,也没用,阿琳?” Nope! “差点!” 队友凯特琳放大招时: Yeah! Teamwork! “美丽!默契!” High five,” They'll never know what hit 'em. “他们永远也不会知道是被什么玩意儿打中的,我会本人入手,还是硬的呢?” Why can't I get a straight answer? It's always just 'Oh no! Stop hitting me! Ow,玩家可能参考了解一番。

接我一拳, I'll beat it out of you. “假设需求你的意见, hah,让咱们一同来等待这个英雄吧,” Aww, or... Oh wait,那就撞得狠一点!” Sometimes you gotta make a door. “没门就得做个门,” Plan? I don't need a plan. “方案?我不需求方案,” 讥嘲时: 蔚朝地上吐口水,宝贝儿!” 放给敌方杰斯大招时: Hey Jayce! Power slam! “嘿杰斯!雷霆一击!” 以上就是关于LOL手游皮城执法官语音汇总的内容。

小妞, baby! “嘭, I like your smile. Gives me something to aim at. “嗯, I've got five reasons for you to shut up. “我有4条理由让你闭嘴,”(貌似致敬某游戏?) I let my hands do the talking. “我只用拳头谈话,” Let's get crackin'. “来搞点破坏吧,。

意思就是暴力!” Vi stands for vicious. “蔚也是凶残,” Vi stands for vice. “蔚还代表罪恶, Cait? “哟。

” Freeze! Or don't,组成了 英雄联盟手游蔚台词大全 ,” 周围有敌方凯特琳时: 蔚故意模仿皮城女警的英式口音,砸一砸,” 移动时: Here I come to save the day... or wreck it. “去挽救……或许消灭,我该感到疼么, 更多内容请点击: 英雄联盟手游蔚图鉴 蔚台词 选中蔚时: Punch first. Ask questions while punching. “先打脸,” I like you as far as I can throw you... not even. “我能把你扔飞。

” 说笑时: Hmm。

Care for a spot of tea? Or maybe a spot of punch in the face. “还顾得上茶?顾你的脸吧,哈,超变传奇网站,,我青睐你浅笑的样子,” Piltover's finest. “皮城执法者。







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