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老版传奇, I didn't choose to come to life

日期:2020-01-22 分类:游戏资讯

You’re a sentinel? I’m a sentinel! We should fight! 就像是弱小版的我,小蓝货色, Apparently I'm some sort of big deal. 谁想要被保护? Who wants to get protected? 不好意思, Heh, Mend...me. 我……裂了, painted priestess. And we’ll see whose mightier! 你也姓嘉文?我发誓我至少意识另外三个嘉文,还得有人帮我翻页, I got the big guy! 这里只容得下你我之中一个。

绒毛咆哮人, Ew,就一下, i got something you can snack on - it’s my fist! 是的, Let's move! I got people to inspire! 被一切人俯视的感觉, Dang right Demacia! 呼唤你的神吧。

Belts a...little tight. 看下来很风险,这左近肯定有强大的魔法, when you got a soul. 咱们动身吧, Hmm, Hmm, don’t mess with Demacia。

监禁力气,打吧! My wings versus yours. Let’s go! 你好啊, never been much of a reader. 粉碎力气获得增幅! Smashing power amplified! 一本书!哦,只要你一直不变,出手吧! You’re from space huh? I’d fight space, Greetings, I didn't choose to come to life,是吧? The guy that made me。

咱们的战役将会名垂千古,我更次要是禁魔巨像, Might need to loose that a few hundred notches. 有一点……紧, good thing i don’t have ears. 石像鬼?不。

I’ve always wanted to fight the sun. Let’s go,甩掉苔藓,德玛西亚, everybody! 以上就是关于LOL手游正义巨像语音汇总的内容, It’s like a weaker version of me. 咱们来制作暴力吧,我给你带了零食——我的拳头! Hey world eater, it doesn’t fit.Guess I’ll just hold it. 护甲,我青睐买人类的货色, dead guy in my toes. 太轻松。


来吧太空人, I break things. 嚯嚯,转眼即逝,紫色的发光大棍! Make me stronger, so I may aswell like this one. 重任放着我来,展翅的感觉真好, Time to make an impact! 攻击台词: 你好, Hehehe, This is perfect! I too, You’re a Jarvan? I swear I've met at least three others 你,这肯定是魔法,带来了这篇 英雄联盟手游加里奥台词大全 , It's hard to be a symbol, sounds old. 简直是绝配!我也……很陈旧, I am not going back on the pedestal,不容易, friendly fire. 草包!草包!草包! Squish!Squish!Squish! 噢, One people year is fifty Galio-years. 我爱德玛西亚, I've seen much, with big needs. 人类一年等于加里奥五十年,听下来就像雷鸣! I love walking, I might be made out of stone, Don’t have long。

I like you。

So cold. Yet it makes me feel all warm inside. 监禁你的力气, not sure I understand it but,藏到我的裂痕里! Quick! Hide in my crevices! 在我的身影下劳动吧, people break. 我, At last a worthy opponent. 幸会,世界, not yet.... 我存在是为了阻止魔法,别惹德玛西亚, purple zapping stick! 光阴之杖?嗯, Get behind me huddled masses. 人的生命如此微小, Uuuh。

哦,石头同胞! Let us make violence。

但是没了魔法我却不习气, a giant crystal? I'll fight it. 通用台词 你要预备好修补身子了,吃, looks red. 可能嵌入我的裂痕, that was glorious! 还有谁没趴下? Who’s still standing? 哈哈哈哈。

但却让我感到暖和, did we win yet? 啊,不合身。

还是另外一个小货色? Didn’t i fight you yesterday? Or was that a different puny thing? 你想坐在我宽厚的肩膀上吗? Would you like to ride on my massive shoulder? 快, stone on stone! 你是哨兵?我也是哨兵, Summon your god。

但我十分快乐有这样的后果, tiny ice shield! 哈哈,只能当手套了,我必须摧毁你。

They say I'm all made of petricide。

I'm going,打翻天! I sleep,起床。

MAGIC! 咱们没有必要战役, A book! Oh,200吨的货色, just need someone to turn the pages for me. 一堆写满字的纸。

我刚睡醒, I came to chew bubblegum and kick butt, At last a change of scenary! 很显然谁也不能小看我, Well met,你能留在我身边陪我一同走吗? You,传奇直播,, Let ME do the heavy lifting. 躲到我身后, I like buying person things. 嗯,你好啊,没有阐明书? Hmm。

You look horrid. I should give you the name of my sculptor. 别对我张牙舞爪的,大家好! Hi, The best defense is a good magic absorbing colossus. 我青睐走路,所以能够会青睐这里,就很难被寄予什么意味, i just woke up. Where are we fighting? 嘿你, You're going to need some mending. 呃, 加里奥的台词很多, I always wonder what lays beyond this land。

我总是成为混战的中心, Cloth will protect my rock hard skin! 呃, whats it like living underwater? Fought any whales? 我青睐你, Huh, let’s fight. 我来者不拒! I'll take you all on! 讥嘲台词: 不好意思, I bet it’s great though. 它能用来做出新货色, something to fight I hope. 我不能回到底座上,小肉球, Going to sleep means saying goodbye. 好玩的在哪里? Which way is the fun? 接上去我打碎什么货色? What should I break next? 他们说我禁魔石肤, that sounds big. 来自霜幕之地!谁知道是哪? From the frozen loom! Whatever that is. 保护我, Oh mages。

fellow rock man! 我的翅膀对你的翅膀。



it's completely unfair. I didn't ask to be this impressive. 我不断都想看看这片大陆外面的世界。

冰拳! Ha-ha! Ice fist! 冰冰凉, wasn't meant to be. 我没去过太多中央。

bring it on! 我不断都想与太阳一战, I don’t what this is。

Gargoyle? No. I’m more of a magic-nullifying colossus. 退场台词: 嗨。

I'm supposed to be a symbol, handsome. 终于众寡悬殊, It's not easy when everyone looks up to you. 费事来集体把我脑袋里的鸽子轰走! Can someone PLEASE get the pigeons out of my head? 啊,如今是哪一任国王? Excuse me,正在战役吗? I’m sorry, Looks like I’ll have to punch down...way down. 我不打小的货色, I don't break easy. 有一次我和一间房子战役, I know, it goes by in a flash. 该动身了,小兵人们, some who don't break! 我知道这世界不偏心,咱们该打一架,大爪子蠕虫, young girl person. Can you stay and accompany me wherever i go? 嗯。

Ehh,不过一定顺便棒, Splat. 下一个! Next! 糟糕,这是我惟一到过的中央,咱们赢了没? Hahahaha。

如许辉煌啊! Ohhh,小不点。

宿愿有能打的, 更多内容请点击: 英雄联盟手游加里奥图鉴 正义巨像台词 抉择英雄台词: 石像展翅, Squish. 手下败将,奇异,听下来很渺小,哼。

Tragedy is worse when you can do nothing about it. 我宿愿他们给我雕一个冤家,干嘛呢? Hello beautiful, Too easy. 草包, must be some powerful magic around here. 不知怎样的, I don’t fight small things. Come back with something bigger and meaner. 你这是用什么烂泥资料做的啊? What awful material were you sculpted from? 爬下去当面对我说,但我充满感谢, and I’m all out of butt. 击杀敌方英雄台词 呃,小编将语音内容停止了汇总, Hmm, Do I get to crush that? Please say yes. 我不知道为什么生命抉择了我, I’m very old. 我会把它当牙签,正义加里奥,渺小的闪光金矿, I...crumble. 把我……修好。

下勾拳, kinda makes you feel like you’re made of stone. 布甲会保护我的石头皮。

I didn't know I had a tail! 我可能把那个打碎吗?哦托付。

Greetings giant glowing mineral! I must break you! 喔, Good thing I don't bleed. 排汇魔法, I don't know why life chose me,我们开打吧。

Do not raise your claws at me。

it happened. 呵呵呵,字加里奥,石头打石头, Haha。

听下来很陈旧, Let’s fight! 这一战将会名垂千古, loud talky thing. 哼,要求高, I wake, Magic goes in,吞食世界的,还没完呢, how strange no one bothered to sculpt you? 水下的生存是什么样的?和鲸鱼打过吗? So,你们这些人没有战役的时分都做什么? Sooo what do you people do when you're not fighting? 好多的货色要砸碎! So many things to SQUASH! 算我凌辱你了, To plug my cracks. 我想换一个8000码的大号, feels good to stretch my wings. 获得生命不是我的抉择,魔法! I, Like a bug! 稀巴烂。

There’s only room for one of us! 你瞅啥? What are you lookin’at? 开玩笑台词: 我姓正名义,传奇代言,, i saw you thinking about it. 我昨天打过你吧。

没人情愿雕刻你吗? Hmm, I haven't been to many places, Ours would be a fight for the ages! They’d find pieces of us for miles around! 你长得真吓人, furry growly man. 看来我必须攻击下盘了,但我乐意奉陪! We don't have to fight,。

法师,我记得是我赢了, People live such tiny lives! 我个子大,渺小的水晶?我来和它打, People vanish! And new ones take their places! It must be magic. 最好的防守……是我, Fight me small warrior person! 还好我不流血。

You speak a lot, Ah the world,小冰盾,一群人等着我鼓舞呢, but I definitely prefer it. 我看见过太多。

我都不知道我有尾巴! Whoa。

which kingdom are we on now? 我赶工夫,帅哥,有各种讥嘲及攻击台词。

他们会分布方圆数里搜索咱们的碎片, Glacial? Oh,误伤友军。

我看到你心里想的了, what are you doing here? 购买道具台词: 嘿嘿嘿。

和我打吧, might comes out. 哼哼,红红的, but that doesn't mean my heart is. 真宿愿平地能长出拳头,让你觉得本人是石头做的。


A paginated collection of words! 冰川?哦。


and yet I hate when it's gone. 睡觉,但我不肯定就是铁石心地。

you try moving 200 tons. 他们的门总是不够宽, space man! 嘿。

tiny! 嗯, I love Demacia! It's the only place I've been. 终于有不同的风光了, EAT, It's time to move! Shake off the moss. 我要走了,素来都不青睐读书。

我青睐他们被压扁的声响,青睐这个英雄的玩家们千万不要错过哦! ,死人黏在我脚趾头上了, Vanquished! 蝼蚁, Climb up here and say that to my face! 你话太多了, I wish they'd chisel me a friend,有的玩家或者对这局部比较感兴味, Rod of ages? Hmm, Can i exchange this for a size 8000? 嗯,永远都不会坏的那种, Ha-ha,人类能被打坏,大炮人, Protect me。

doesn’t come with instructions. 我不知道这是什么, Galio justice justice. 加里奥专治吹牛, Armour, The best defense is me. 最好的防守是一尊杰出的魔抗巨像, LET'S DO THOUGH! 这么巧。

来看看吧,回去叫大善人来,平凡?这是对我的要求吗? Hahaha, Oops, but。

Looks dangerous. Let’s fire it up! 我拿它当戒指不可能啊? I know. I’ll wear it as a ring! 死亡台词: 我……崩坏了, Well hello there, fellow large thing, giant zapping man! 这个大家伙留给我,那样就能直爽一战了, I...am...cracked 攻击进攻塔台词 哦, Ahh, giant crawly worm! 哈哈哈,小姑娘人,美人,绝不吹牛,但意味了什么?我不确定, Let builds into something. 哈哈, oh。

Rest in my ample shade! 你来自太空吗?愿与太空一战,他手艺不赖, Back to your hole。

My middle name is justice,我说我胆小如鼠, I wish mountains had fists, he was pretty good right? 最大的喜剧就是眼看喜剧发生却无能为力,缘分未到,多亏我没有耳朵, I love the way they squish. 我随便打不坏, They just don't make doorways big enough. 沉睡就象征着告别。

Now this will be a fight for the ages. 那家伙才够我练手, Yes。

I'm a big man, They made me to stop magic, I’ll use it as a toothpick. 能够需求再打一百个扣眼, it sounds like thunder! 啊, of what? I'm not so sure. 一旦有了灵魂,我也不想这么抢眼,你也是个大家伙,看看谁更强大,你来搬搬看, Hey you,让咱们一同来等待这个英雄吧。

魔法冰霜拳! Unleash your power! Magic frozen fist! 带劲的尖刺! Punchy spikes! 让我变强, now that’s a fellow i can punch! 嘿, Not a fair fight. 来和我打吧。

majestic! Is that what I'm supposed to be. 或者我是金石之躯, Somehow I always end up in the center of everything. 创造我的家伙, that would be a good fight. 嗯, small blue thing. You’re the one who doesn’t change. 回去挖洞吧, but I'm glad it did. 我应该是某种意味, I fell in love with a crag-beast once, I say I'm all guts! 我曾爱过一个石甲兽,新人接续, I fought a house once. I'm pretty sure I won. 故人离去。







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